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Saxmundham Primary School


Saxmundham is a busy and exciting school where the staff and children are committed to their on-going development and improvement. In November 2018 we became part of the Avocet Academy Trust because we believe that schools work better when working closely with other local schools.  November 2023 bought us into East Anglian Schools Trust.  

All children at our school have a wide range of opportunities available to them to be involved in school life. The school council, eco council, sports teams, choir and annual performances provide a wealth of activities beyond everyday lessons. In addition, school residentials in years 5 and 6 and after school clubs mean that all children can learn more about something that they are passionate about.

We welcome the support of our families and our community into our school. If you have skills or talents that you are happy to share, please come and speak to us.


The Senior Leadership Team is always available to discuss any queries about our school so please do contact us if you need to. Mrs Box (Head of School), Miss Ives (Deputy Headteacher) and Mrs Benstock (SENCo) will be happy to discuss any areas of our school provision with you.


If you need any further information or would like copies of information relating to your child please contact the school office.
