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Saxmundham Primary School

Friends of Saxmundham Primary School

The Friends of Saxmundham Primary School


What does the Friends do?

The purpose of the Friends is to improve the education of the children at Saxmundham Primary by raising money to provide facilities and equipment for the school. Money is raised through various fundraising events and activities including fetes, discos and cake sales.  The Friends of Saxmundham Primary School is a member of the National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations.


Who are the Friends?

There is a small committee of volunteers who meet each term to organise events and they are always happy to welcome new members.


Current committee members are:


  • Carry Cooper (Secretary)
  • Katherine Fiske and Katherine Manning (Treasurer)
  • Jayne Head (School Liason)
  • Anna Higgins
  • Jade Driver
  • Kayleigh Stubbs
  • Inna Kushnirova


We also have a group of helpers who, whilst not on the committee, kindly give up their time to volunteer at events. If you’d like to get involved in any way please contact via the School Office or by emailing:


We are looking for a new Chairperson so if you would like to find out more information please email us.


Where Does Your Money Go?...

The Friends are currently raising money for a new bandstand on the playground and also for a new Friends shed as we need our own storage. In the past we have helped to fund things such as the table tennis tables, the Treetop cafes, class Christmas gifts, ukeleles and the new quiet garden.


Help us raise money with 'easyfundraising'

easyfundraising is the easiest way to raise money for the Friends of Saxmundham Primary School. Shop with any of over 6000 well known retailers listed on and a percentage of what you spend is passed to The Friends at no additional cost to you. Retailers include Amazon, M&S, Vodafone, eBay, Tesco, Viking and many more. Please register to support us today.



Halloween Disco
