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Saxmundham Primary School


Aspen class is a Key Stage 2 class with children mixed from year 3 and year 4.  The class teachers are Mrs Head and Mrs Sheehan and the teaching assistant is Mrs Asher.


Autumn Term 1 2024


This term in English we will be working on a short unit around the book of, 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs.' This will be combined across our English and guided reading lessons. We will analyse the language, make inferences and predictions and write our own pieces of writing based on and inspired by this unique book.


For P.E this term, we will be exploring tennis and gymnastics. Our P.E days will be Wednesdays and Fridays. Please make sure you bring the correct uniform for this and consider the weather for these colder months.


Our history topic is looking at the Romans. We will explore the chronology of their time, decipher both primary and secondary sources and learn all about what went on 2,000 years ago.


In music, we will be having special weekly lessons with Mrs Head on the recorder.


In science, we will cover the human body, with a focus on skeletons and nutrition and diet.


RE: Christianity (reconcilliation) . 


PSHE: Health and Wellbeing.


ICT: Spreadsheets.


Online Safety: My Online Community.


Music - Recorder.


French - Bonjour.


We will have P.E on Thursdays and Fridays.


To find out more about our curriculum in Year 3/4, head to curriculum pages on our website or speak to one of the team.


Please make sure that your child has a water bottle in school every day.


Here's to a fantastic Autumn term!

Mrs Head, Mrs Sheehan and Mrs Asher.
