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Saxmundham Primary School


Aspen class is a Lower Key Stage 2 class with children from years 3 and 4.  The class teacher is Mr Holland and the teaching assistant is Mrs Asher.

Summer 1 half term Forest School

Summer 2 half term 2024 


Our work in the second part of the Summer term will include a geography field trip into Saxmundham town centre to look at our local community.


Our humanities work for the rest of the Summer Term will be a Geography topic on map work particularly focusing on features of East Anglia including land use, the coast and settlements. Mapwork will be reinforced by several orienteering activities in the school grounds. 


English - we will be doing a lot of work on poetry which provides many opportunities for developing the use of descriptive language and the effect of our writing on the reader. Our VIPERS work this half term is based on the book Stig of the Dump by Clive King. 


In Maths, we will be finishing our work on fractions, followed by recognising parallel and perpendicular sides and right angles. We will also of course be covering as many of the essential concepts and basic skills for maths as possible and to that same end, we encourage as much use of Times Tables Rockstars as possible to keep children’s multiplicative number facts in tip top shape, particularly for Y4s who will be taking the DfE multiplication check in June. 


Other areas of the curriculum planned for this term are: 

French - giving directions and the weather, Art and Design - mixed media collage inspired by the world around us, RE - Christianity: Mission and Sikhism: Equality, PE - striking/fielding (cricket), athletics including Sports Day and orienteering, Computing - hardware and coding (using Kodu), simulations and online safety, PSHE - the Jigsaw scheme units for this term are ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing Me’ as well as continuing to follow the Paths scheme, Science - plants (including learning the functions of different parts of plants, what they need to grow, pollination and seed dispersal), Music - recorders and reading music. 


HOMEWORK: These are the homework tasks that we would expect completed every week where possible. Reading ● Read 4 times a week ● Get an adult to sign your reading log and checked weekly in school Spellings ● Practise 10 spellings from the spelling spreadsheets (we check these at least every half term). Maths ● Children can visit these websites: ● ● TT Rockstars ● Active Learn Primary games ● BBC bitesize HOME LEARNING 


PROJECT: This term in geography we are learning about Suffolk and our place in the world. We would like you to find out about a place in the British Isles and then present it to your class (Tourist attraction / city / Wales – your choice). It might be somewhere that you have been on holiday or somewhere that you visit relatives or even just somewhere that you have heard about! You can present it however you like - it could be a traditional project with pictures or it could be a model of a building or a beach. When we do our presentations we want you to be able to talk about the place for a few minutes. 


OTHER REMINDERS: ● Drink Bottles: May we remind you that your child needs a water bottle every day. ● PE & Kit: Please send in your child with a PE kit that can be kept in school. This should include shorts with a team coloured t-shirt and trainers suitable for use on the school field (not plimsolls please). They will also need a PE sweatshirt (not the one that they wear everyday).


Staff in Aspen Class: Mr Holland teaches from Monday to Friday in Aspen class. Mrs Asher is in every day. On Thursday afternoons, there will be a rotation of activities led by Mrs Rowe (RE) and Mr Berry (PE).


Contacting us: . If you are notifying us of a child’s absence or it is urgent then please contact the school office directly.
