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Saxmundham Primary School

Late/Absence Procedures


The school gates currently open at 8.30 am.  Children are expected to be in their classroom and ready to begin lessons by 8.50am.  The main playground gate will be closed by 8.50am so if your child arrives after this time, they will need to go to the School Office to enter school.  Parents will also need to complete a lates form.


A child arriving after 8.50am but before 9.15am will be marked as late in the register (shown by an L code).  A child arriving after 9.15am will be marked as a U code - meaning they have arrived after the register has closed.  This will be seen on the register as an unauthorised absence.



It is important that all children attend school as much as they are able to, especially at the moment.  At our school we expect children to attend for 97% of sessions (a session is a morning or an afternoon; there are 2 sessions in a day).  Attendance is monitored regularly and parents of children whose attendance falls below 90% (the DfE threshold for persistent absence) may be contacted to discuss the reasons for this.


If a child is absent from school, it is the parent or carer's responsibility to contact the school to let them know of the absence and the reason for it.  Parents should telephone the School Office as soon as possible (and by 9.00am on the day).  If a parent does not phone to notify the school of their child's absence, we will call during the morning.


Sometimes an absence is known about in advance, such as medical appointments.  In these cases, the parent should inform the School Office of the intended absence.  Please note that supporting evidence for any appointments will be required in the form of a letter, appointment card, email or text message.


We try hard to work with parents whose children are experiencing attendance issues.  This will include identifying the underlying reason for the absences and seeking to put into place measures to support the family.  This may happen through a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) referral or other support from school.  Sometimes, despite the help that is offered, a child's attendance does not improve and the school may refer the case to the Education Welfare Officer.  It is always the school's intention to work with the family to achieve the next possible result for the child.


Fixed Penalty Notices from the DfE from August 2024

There has been a sharp increase in absences and it is a national agenda from the Department for Education (DfE) to decrease the number of school days lost in pupils’ education.


As a result, the DfE has issued a new National Framework for Penalty Notices and all schools in Suffolk will now be issuing fixed penalty notices in instances of prolonged or increasing absences from school.  From September 2024 any holidays etc., incurring absences will incur a fine. 


For further information on how the process will work please refer to the guidance below or contact the School Office.



Penalty Notice Fines for School Attendance (August 2024)
