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Saxmundham Primary School

Online Safety


If you are looking at this page because you think a child is at immediate risk of harm from online activity please phone 999 or contact the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (a National Crime Agency), by clicking on the link here.


At Saxmundham Primary School, we want to create an Online Safe community which involves pupils, parents and staff. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility and through regular training, parent sessions, an Online Safety curriculum and clear policies for all groups, we are supporting our children to become responsible users of technology which is constantly evolving.

All our staff attend regular training in Online Safety which allows us to deliver training to our workforce, parents and carers.


Below you will find links to school policies; advice from The Department of Education and information about gaming restrictions to support you at home.

Trust Online Safety Policy

Useful Websites

Here you will find links to a range of websites that can provide advice and support for Online Safety.

Cyber Choices: Sliding Doors

Whether you learn it at school or read about it online, it is hard not to notice that the cyber world is expanding and new technologies largely influence our lives. Those with a real interest in how tech works, could have a bright future ahead.
