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Saxmundham Primary School


Maple class is a Year 1 class. The teacher is Miss Howe and the teaching assistants are Mrs Higgins (Mon-Wed and Fridays) and Mrs Stephenson & Miss Copping (Thursdays).

Summer 1


We are now entering the final term of our year in Maple class!


This term we will be looking at information texts, using One Day on our Blue Planet...In the Savannah to research and write fact files on lions, write and perform poetry as well as look at non-chronological texts.


In Maths, we will be looking at fractions, position and direction as well as numbers to 100!


In Geography, we will be learning all about the continents and oceans of our planet, discovering similarities and differences between our country and countries across the planet.


As scientists, we will be looking at plants and the process of growing and farming food!


In PSHE/RSE, we will be looking at the topic of relationships, learning about friendships, people who care for us and the relationship we have with ourselves! A copy of our learning objectives has been e-mailed to all parents outlining the PSHE objectives, please get in contact if you have any questions. 

I will update our class page periodically and will also be sending a weekly newsletter to keep you updated on our time in Maple, as well as any key dates/information. 


Please note our P.E day will be on Thursdays and Fridays. Please ensure that your child has a full P.E kit in school. 
