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Saxmundham Primary School


Maple class is a Year 1 class. The teacher is Miss Howe and the teaching assistants are Mrs Higgins (Mondays, Wednesday - Fridays) and Mrs Stephenson on a Tuesday.

Spring 1


A big Happy New Year to you all and welcome to the start of a new term with exciting new topics/skills to learn about. 


In English this term, we will be looking at an adapted version of Rapunzel, written by Bethan Woolvin. We will be describing characters; sequencing the story and building up to writing our own version of this fairytale, with exciting new characters from our imaginations!


In History we will be learning about The Great Fire of London. We will be investigating the events and learning lots of interesting facts to do with this topic. In Art we will be using pastels and silhouettes to create our own pieces inspired by The Great Fire. We will then be designing and making Tudor houses in DT! 


In Science we will be exploring seasonal changes and learning and comparing all of the different types of animals. In PATHs and PSHE we will be focusing on staying safe while indoors and out and about; establishing positive relationships with those around us and continuing to learn about our emotions in our PATHS lessons. 


In Maths, we will be looking at numbers to 20, becoming confident with recognition, counting and using lots of fun practical resources. 


Our P.E days will be Tuesdays (indoor) and Wednesdays (outdoor). Please ensure P.E kits are labelled to avoid missing items. This should include a plain t-shirt in house colours where possible, trainers, shorts and tracksuit bottoms/ leggings for the colder months. Thank you!


We will be starting Forest school sessions every other Friday starting on the 10th January. Please ensure children come to school wearing the appropriate clothing and footwear. 


You can expect a weekly update e-mail from the Year 1 team on a Friday! I look forward to the year ahead and any questions, please do get in touch via the office e-mail or on the playground. 
