Safeguarding & Welfare
Across the Trust, the governors and staff fully recognise the contribution the school makes to safeguarding children. We recognise that the safety and protection of all pupils is of paramount importance and that all staff, including volunteers, have a full and active part to play in protecting pupils from harm. We believe that the school should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment which promotes all pupils’ social, physical, emotional and moral development.
If you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding of a child please contact:
- Miss T Ives (Assistant Head of School Designated Safeguarding Lead)
- Mrs Penny Benstock (Alternate Designated Lead and SENDCo)
- Mrs M Box (Head of School and Alternate Designated Lead)
- Miss S Jay (Family Pastoral Support, Alternate Designated Lead)
- Mrs Laura Sheehan (Named member of the Local Governing Body with responsibility for Safeguarding)
The LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) are Rennie Everett and Dian Campbell.
Local Designated Officers can be contacted via email on or using the LADO central telephone number 0300 123 2044 for allegations against all staff and volunteers.
Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership: Safeguarding Children
Guidance surrounding the PREVENT Duty - this information is reviewed by the school on a regular basis
Saxmundham Primary School Safeguarding Policy and Related Documents
Useful contacts:
- Childline: 08001111
- Samaritans: 116123
- Domestic Violence Hotline:08082000247
- Mind: 03001233393
- Age UK: 08001696565
At Saxmundham Primary School we believe that a child needs to feel safe, secure and happy to learn. We understand that there are times when life can be difficult and that situations arise which impact not only on individual children but on the well being of their families. We have a welfare team based in the school to support individual needs as they arise. Children may have access to a block of work based on THRIVE, ELSA, Lego therapy or Drawing and Talking. Intervention and support is often bespoke and dependant on need. Teachers can refer into the team, children are always welcome to come and talk and parents are actively encouraged to work with us in partnership.
The Welfare Team:
Mrs P Benstock (SENDCO & SMHL)
Miss S Jay (Family Support & ELSA)
Ms M Maller (Pastrol Support & THRIVE)