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Saxmundham Primary School

Saxmundham Primary Nursery

Early Years In Action

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Welcome to Nursery in pictures, nothing beats a visit but this short video should give you an insight into what we do and how we learn.

We are delighted that we have a Nursery at Saxmundham Primary School within our Early Years Unit.


We can offer your child a place from the term after their 3rd birthday.


We offer 15 or 30 hours funding in flexible ways. You can attend mornings, afternoons, full days or a mixture of all combinations dependent on available spaces.


Fee paying sessions are £11.00 for three hour sessions;


Morning sessions are 8.45am-11.45am

Afternoon sessions are 12.15pm-3.15pm


You can bolt on 'Lunch Club' costing £1.50 for thirty minutes (11.45am-12.15pm) with the option to bring a pack lunch from home or have a school meal for £2.60.


We offer free school meals for Nursery children attending all day if your child is free school meals eligible.  Applications for free school meals eligibility must be made online via the Suffolk County Council website at:


An application form for the Nursery can be collected from the School Office or you can email to request one. 


Places are limited so we advise to make an application as early as possible.


Get in touch to make an appointment  to come and see us in action!


For more information please email: or call the School Office on 01728 602205.


We look forward to welcoming you!


Nicola Cannon

Early Years Lead

Welcome to Nursery - Information Booklet

All about Nursery - Meet the team and Children's booklet
