Reception - Ash
Our Reception children are in classes with Nursery, which form part of Early Years Unit.
We have Acorn and Conker 'home classes' within our Early Years Unit
Each class has both Nursery and Reception children with class teachers and suppport staff.
Our 'home class' is our base room where we start and end each session. The rest of the day, we all work together as a whole unit.
There are times of the day when we separate as two classes as well as times when Nursery and Reception children learn separately.
See attached documents and photos to see how we work or better still arrange a visit to see us in action.
Acorn Class - The class teacher is Mrs Cannon and the teaching assistant is Miss Moore.
Conker Class - The class teachers are Mrs Andrews and Miss Rowe and the teaching assistant is Mrs Mayhew
Working within the unit we have two further teaching assistants who work with both classes across the week and they are Ms Martin and Mrs Wells.
Click the link below to find more information about our EYFS approach.
Welcome to Early Years
Please see attached files which introduce;
Our team,
Our environment
Our approach to teaching and learning
What we are learning this term.
Early Years Booklets
Our Curriculum Overview
In the Summer Term we will ask some curiosity questions - I wonder what will happen and what will happen next?
We will learn about life cycles, watching our caterpillars transform.
We will learn about plants, trees and food we grow, even making our own allotment and become park keepers. We will share stories such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Percy Park Keeper.
We will then go to the Forest to take part in forest school activities - we will learn about nature using stories such as The Gruffalo, Stick Man and Stanley's Stick.
We will have Sports Day, a Graduation Ceremony and our annual trip somewhere exciting beyond Saxmundham and our school!
We will then think and plan our move to Reception or into year 1 so we are confident about the changes.
Summer Plans
Spring Term Learning - In the first half term we will learn about superheroes - people in our community who help us. Can you help us and come in to see the children? Are you a firefighter, police officer, vet, dentist, doctor etc? If so please email
Please see attached planning for this term so you can see what we intend to cover through our play experiences.